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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Pasta Rolling!

A quality pasta die maker is the best friend to everyone who loves eating pasta on a regular basis. For making flawless dough, you need to follow instructions carefully:

Use a pasta maker for final kneading. Use the widest setting to run over the prepared dough, fold into thirds and roll again. Continue the process until the dough is shiny and elastic.

Work the dough through the settings of the machine until the desired thickness is reached.

Four hands are better than two: enlisting some help with turning the handle of the pasta machine will make this job much easier.

If you're working with only a portion of the dough at a time, keep the remainder wrapped in plastic to prevent it from drying out.

Rolling by hand works, too, and can easily be done with just a rolling pin and a large work surface.

Just as with a pasta machine, roll the pasta dough flat, fold into thirds, and roll flat again, until the dough is shiny and elastic.

Make sure the dough is in small enough batches to be workable. (Slightly smaller than your fist is a good gauge.) Keep extra dough covered in plastic until you're ready to work with it.

Roll to the final thickness, and form desired shape.

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