If you are concerned about the health of your cats and dogs, then you need to take special care about their eating habits. Many pet lovers consider buying pre-packaged animal foods for their beloved pets. They neglect the fact that the packaged items do not provide sufficient nutrition to the animals.
Moreover, diet of the pets is determined by their age. For instance, a cat while attaining kitten-hood should be provided with foods which contain high fat and protein for the development of strong bones, teeth and muscles. On the other hand, senior cats should be provided with low fat diets such that they can easily digest the food.
In order to build healthy eating habits of your pets, you can think about feeding them with home-made food items. As dogs are carnivorous mammals, their food-habit depends a lot upon meat. They get easily attracted towards those items which carry the shape of animal bones. You can consider preparing nutritious mixtures followed by molding them like animal bones.
To create animal foods of attractive shapes, you can make a decision to buy custom dies from D. Maldari & Sons. Based in Brooklyn, New York they are popular suppliers of custom die products in the United States. They have manufacturing firm wherein skilled manufacturers of animal food dies are able to provide dies as per the requirement of the customers.
So, get connected with D. Maldari & Sons and buy some quality die products to make food for your pets.